There is a lone service station at the end of the road, at times it almost looks abandoned. You’d swear you have seen a place like that somewhere, perhaps straight out of the Walking Dead Television show. But at that Service Station, is the Hidden Gem of Esquimalt, and guys that call that place their second home.
Trevor Scotten a good friend of mine and old school mate, is one of the 3 main mechanics that keep Lyall Street Service up and going. Brad Walters is the resident “know it all” mechanic, if you have a problem, ask Brad! He would most likely seen it or have fixed it before. Brad is like a walking, talking wikipedia. Wayne Young is the newest member to join the Lyall Street family, and seems to be the butt of all the jokes! He’s a quick learner, but he seems to change his vehicles more often than I change my underwear.
Then we have Chris Chizholm, the man behind the desk, hes a one man computing machine. If you ever call the shop, you’ll probably hear his voice on the other end. Don’t let his “Mr. Clean” look fool you, I have seen him wrench on a few vehicles in the shop on more than one occasion. Rounding up the Lyall Street family is big papa himself Mr. Peter Grant owner/operator. When he’s not doing paperwork, hes either helping out the guys putting on tires or outside washing cars. No job is too small for Peter. He has dreams of one day becoming a Pro Golfer! or I think so…..with spending every other hour on the golf green.
The boys at Lyall Street seem to know their Japanese cars sovery well. On any given day you’ll most likely see at least 6-10 Honda, Toyota or Nissan vehicles parked outside! and probably a few inside too! If you want the best prices and honest opinion, go to Lyall Street Service. where they treat their customers as they treat their friends. Its the only place I take my vehicles to get Serviced, and it should be yours too!
Lyall Street Service <—– Website Link
(250) 382-0015
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